What’s Up, Doc? (1972)

1972 | USA | Peter Bogdanovich | ★★★★★

Peter Bogdanovich's joyously energetic What’s Up, Doc? is a wonderfully unpredictable screwball romantic comedy, featuring hilarious dialogue, brilliant action set-pieces, and uniformly excellent performances from Barbra Streisand, Ryan O'Neal, and co.


"What's Up, Doc? joyously recaptures the bubbly style of 1930s screwball comedies—and firmly establishes Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal as a romantic duo uniquely endearing in screen history. Included are a daffy luggage mixup plot, dippy dialogue exchanges, a marvelous example of the art of hotel-room demolition and one of the funniest chase sequences ever, all over San Francisco. Dexterously written with a surefooted sense of the ridiculous by Buck Henry, David Newman and Robert Benton, directed by Peter Bogdanovich with giddy affection and cast with awesomely hilarious players (including film-debuting Madeline Kahn), What's Up, Doc? is no idle question. Among comedy movies, it's the top." Warner Bros

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